Saturday, August 31, 2019

Electronics Laboratory Report.

Laboratory Long report. Electronic laboratory practice Abstract: The aim of this laboratory was to make us familiar with how to use the different types of electronic equipment and how to accurately use them to make measurements. The equipment used in this laboratory included: (i) the signal generator which was used to supply the power used in the various procedures, (ii) The oscilloscope which was used to view and record the waves produced from the AC currents and then make relevant calculations based on that. iii) The DC power supply was used in the first two procedures which involved using the resistors. (iv) Familiarised with the multimeter and used it to take measurements (v) the experiment board which was used to do create most of the circuits and take the necessary measurements. Procedure 1: The measurement of resistance. The resistances of the 5k? and 22k? resistors were found using the theory and by taking the actual readings. The resistances of the resistors were first measu red by comparing the colour bands on the resistors to the colour code chart provided.The procedure for this is: there are four bands on each of the resistors, and each colour on the band denotes a specific number on the resistor colour code chart, which gives us the significant figure and the multiplier which is in powers of 10. The values using the colour code were calculated and found to be as follows. * 5. 1k? with a  ±5% tolerance * 21k? with  ±10% tolerance. These nominal values are the ones that are calculated but in reality the actual values of resistance can be a bit different from the ones calculated due to impurities.The actual resistances are measured by using a multimeter, the way this is done is that the resistors are mounted on an experiment board and then the multimeter is connected right across it. The values were recorded and found to be as follows: * 5. 037k? * 21. 047k? | Nominal value| Actual value| 5k? resistor| 5. 1k?  ±5% tolerance| 5. 307k? | 22k? resis tor| 21k?  ±10% tolerance| 21. 047k| In conclusion, it can be seen that there was a difference in the calculated nominal values of the resistors and the actual ones which were calculated.But they were still within their tolerance levels; there could be plenty of reasons for that which might include different types of batteries, differences in temperature of the room, impurities in different sections of the experiment board which might have affected the readings. ’ The tolerance level is defined as an allowable variation from a predefined standard. A value from an experiment or a variance is not considered significant unless it exceeds the limit set by the tolerance limit. ’ – www. bridgefieldgroup. om/bridgefieldgroup/glos9. htm For this reason, we can assume these differences in the actual values of the resistors to be insignificant since they were within the stated tolerances. Procedure 2: The measurement of voltage. In this experiment, the principle was to create a voltage divider circuit and to carry out the required measurements were undertaken to prove the principle of the voltage divider. For that, a circuit was created where a supply voltage was applied across two resistors R1 and R2 in series as shown in the figure below.And the two equations shown below were used to make the necessary calculations. Image source: http://www. ermicro. com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/basic_r01. jpg http://diy. griffshp. com/wp-content/VoltageDivider. jpg The experiment was carried by using two resistors of values R1 equal to 5k? and R2 equal to 22k?. The resistors were mounted on the experiment board and the voltage divider circuit was created. The power was supplied using a +6v power supply and the voltages across each of the resistors was calculated using the Agilent 34401 multimeter.The values were recorded and were found to be as follows: V1=1. 1846v V2=4. 89v The total of the voltages adds up to be 6. 0167v which is roughly about 6v ( the initial voltage supplied) which proves that the voltages are within the required tolerance. To compare these measured values to the nominal values which can be found using the voltage divider equation, substitute the values of R1 and R2 and use V as 6v to find the voltages across each of V1 and V2. v1=6*55+22=1. 11v * V2=6*225+22=4. 88v | Nominal values| Actual values| V1| 1. 11v| 1. 1846v| V2| 4. 88v| 4. 89v| In this experiment it was found that the actual values and the nominal vales were not much different from each other. This could have probably been because of the resistances in the wires or loose connections. But they were both within a tolerance level of 5% which makes the difference insignificant and accountable for experimental error.The outcome of the experiment was that the voltages were shared between the two resistors and the larger resistor got the larger share of the voltage whereas the smaller resistance got the showed smaller voltage passing through it. This prove d the values that we found using the nominal calculations of the voltages. Procedure 3: current measurement. In this experiment, we use the current divider rule which is similar to the voltage divider equation except that the way the circuit is constructed is it is in parallel instead of series.The experiment was set up in the method shown below and the necessary calculations were made. The circuit was constructed as shown in the schematic above and a DC voltage of +6v was passed through it, the currents were measured in each of the resistors and found to be: * I1(current across 5k? ) =1. 182A * I2(current across 22k? )=1. 192A (Ps: The rest of the rest of the report could not be completed since the original lab was not completed on time and hence the required information was missing. ) Table of Contents: 1. Procedure 1 2. Procedure 2 3. Procedure 3

Financial Management – Meaning, Objectives and Functions

Meaning of Financial Management Financial Management means planning, organizing, directing and controlling the financial activities such as procurement and utilization of funds of the enterprise. It means applying general management principles to financial resources of the enterprise. Scope/Elements Investment decisions includes investment in fixed assets (called as capital budgeting). Investment in current assets are also a part of investment decisions called as working capital decisions.Financial decisions – They relate to the raising of finance from various resources which will depend upon decision on type of source, period of financing, cost of financing and the returns thereby. Dividend decision – The finance manager has to take decision with regards to the net profit distribution. Net profits are generally divided into two: Dividend for shareholders- Dividend and the rate of it has to be decided. Retained profits- Amount of retained profits has to be finalized whi ch will depend upon expansion and diversification plans of the enterprise.Objectives of Financial Management The financial management is generally concerned with procurement, allocation and control of financial resources of a concern. The objectives can be- To ensure regular and adequate supply of funds to the concern. To ensure adequate returns to the shareholders which will depend upon the earning capacity, market price of the share, expectations of the shareholders. To ensure optimum funds utilization. Once the funds are procured, they should be utilized in maximum possible way at least cost. To ensure safety on investment, i. , funds should be invested in safe ventures so that adequate rate of return can be achieved. To plan a sound capital structure-There should be sound and fair composition of capital so that a balance is maintained between debt and equity capital. Functions of Financial Management Estimation of capital requirements: A finance manager has to make estimation wi th regards to capital requirements of the company. This will depend upon expected costs and profits and future programmes and policies of a concern. Estimations have to be made in an adequate manner which increases earning capacity of enterprise.Determination of capital composition: Once the estimation have been made, the capital structure have to be decided. This involves short- term and long- term debt equity analysis. This will depend upon the proportion of equity capital a company is possessing and additional funds which have to be raised from outside parties. Choice of sources of funds: For additional funds to be procured, a company has many choices like- Issue of shares and debentures Loans to be taken from banks and financial institutions Public deposits to be drawn like in form of bonds.Choice of factor will depend on relative merits and demerits of each source and period of financing. Investment of funds: The finance manager has to decide to allocate funds into profitable v entures so that there is safety on investment and regular returns is possible. Disposal of surplus: The net profits decision have to be made by the finance manager. This can be done in two ways: Dividend declaration – It includes identifying the rate of dividends and other benefits like bonus. Retained profits – The volume has to be decided which will depend upon expansional, innovational, diversification plans of the company.Management of cash: Finance manager has to make decisions with regards to cash management. Cash is required for many purposes like payment of wages and salaries, payment of electricity and water bills, payment to creditors, meeting current liabilities, maintainance of enough stock, purchase of raw materials, etc. Financial controls: The finance manager has not only to plan, procure and utilize the funds but he also has to exercise control over finances. This can be done through many techniques like ratio analysis, financial forecasting, cost and p rofit control, etc

Friday, August 30, 2019

How Is Poverty Constructed as a Social Problem in the UK Today Essay

The term ‘social problem’ refers to certain problems that are socially recognised by society and are felt to threaten certain values cherished by the public. This essay will investigate the different types of poverty that occur in the U. K and will explore the sociological arguments as to how poverty links with social problems such as social exclusion, gender discrimination in the work place, lone-parenting and disability and look at how these problems are perceived in today’s society. Poverty is an ever increasing issue in the UK and is perceived as a major social problem due to the consequences that it brings with it . The term ‘social problem’ refers to specific problems in our society which are sociologically recognised. These problems are socially constructed and can be distinguished when certain values that are cherished by the public are felt threatened by a particular event that is happening in society and can be thought of to threaten the stability of a community or society as the public already know it. Firstly, this essay will explore the different types of poverty that exist in the UK. Secondly, it will explore why poverty exists and explain the reasons as to why certain people are affected by poverty and how this links with structure and agency. In conclusion, this essay will emphasise the main arguments as to why poverty is constructed as a social problem in today’s society. When exploring the different types of poverty that commonly exist in the UK, it can be categorised into two main groups, absolute poverty and relative poverty. Absolute definitions of poverty are usually seen to have logic to them based around the topic of subsistence; what is needed to sustain our lives’ (Alcock, 2006:66). Anyone who is below the subsistence level is said to be suffering from absolute poverty. The term ‘poverty’ gives the connotations of deprivation, hardship, shortage and scarcity etc; however the word ‘absolute’ emphasises the extent of poverty that one is living in. Absolute poverty refers to people who do not have access to the day to day resources that are needed to meet their subsistence levels in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For example sufferers of this type of poverty are known to be lacking the essential, basic needs such as a clean water supply, a good food source, shelter, sanitation, clothing and a good income are absent in peoples’ lives who are suffering from this type of poverty. However, subsistence level is what we need to sustain our life, and differs on time and place. Thus introducing the idea that different people need different things in different places according to different circumstances (Alcock, 2006:67). Research has shown that sociologist Rowntree, developed an idea to determine levels of poverty. He established a basic diet theory from the judgement of nutritionists to act as a subsistence definition of poverty which showed that people were living in poverty to very different extents. This theory adopted the definition of ‘Relative Poverty’ which is a more cultural and social definition due to the changes in poverty overtime. Relative poverty can be seen as a comparison between the standard of living between other members of society who are living in poverty to different levels. The main idea being suggested with relative poverty is that some needs are not related in any way to the maintenance of physical health (Kane, 2003:51). For example, a person may have the basic needs to sustain a healthy life such as food, water, shelter, sanitation and some sort of income; but they also possess such things which are not directly related to ‘the maintenance of physical health’ such as a television, radio, newspapers, books, alcohol and tobacco, or even means of transport. When considering relative poverty, it is essential to look at what becomes the ‘essential needs’ for a person as time changes, standards of life improve and peoples’ expectations grow. In support of this, an excellent way of understanding poverty can be seen as a ‘comparison between the standard of living of those who are poor and those who are not, or by the distinction between the merely existing and the living’ (Alcock,2006). Poverty is seen as a social problem as the issues that derive around it affect our society as a whole. Poverty exists in the U. K for a number of reasons, however it has been found that there is not one solitary answer as to why it exists and many people have diverse opinions on the subject matter. However, discarding the different definitions or descriptions of poverty, academics and policy makers do agree that poverty is a social problem and is seen as an unacceptable state of affairs (Alcock:2006:4). Poverty exists due to many reasons including unemployment, crime, low income, the amount of education and skill, social inequality and exclusion, gender, age, disability and ethnicity and when put into perspective these issues can be linked with structure and agency. Social exclusion is an individual and collective problem that examines the topic of how living standards recognize not only what a person or family have but also what they do. Thus portraying the idea social exclusion can be significant in representing whether or not an individual is suffering from poverty or not, as social exclusion prevents them from participating in specific common and popular social groups thus reinforcing the idea that social exclusion depends crucially on independent agency. ‘Social exclusion is a shorthand term for what can happen when people or areas have a combination of linked problems such as unemployment, poor skills, low incomes, poor housing, high crime and family breakdown’ (Ridge, 2008:46). This is a good example of how poverty is constructed as a social problem as if one is living in relative poverty, and cannot seek employment and is welfare dependent living off benefits, then the individual will be socially excluded in that they may not be able to afford to join certain social clubs, or get to remote public services and in general the issue of discrimination will stop people from joining certain activities and entering certain areas. ‘Social exclusion is a problem for society if there are those who are unable to take part in social relations, including in a democracy, political participation and involvement’ (Ridge, 2008:47). Women are more prone to live in low income circumstances than men, hence introducing the social problem of gender discrimination. Women have been discriminated in the workplace over time in that they are paid less than men in specific jobs and are not seen to be ‘suited’ to particular jobs, especially in the manufacturing and trade industries. Marxist feminist Margaret Benston believed that women were oppressed by capitalism in that they were treated almost as a back-up, or secondary option of cheap labour that enabled profits to be kept up. ‘In 1994, 6. 1 million women were in low-paid jobs and on average women’s full-time gross weekly pay was 72 percent of that of men’(Kane, 2003:115). The public representation of the ‘typical single parent’ can be rather distorted, however research has shown that the majority or lone-parents who are likely to suffer from poverty, are women. ‘Women’s retirement income is boosted significantly by having a partner with a history of well-paid work, but women who have had children and are separated or divorced face very high risks of pension poverty’(Ridge,2008:138). This piece of evidence shows that if the women has separated from her partner then she is likely to face poverty in bringing up their children alone and this in itself is subject to cause many other social problems. Raising a family as a single mother, whilst suffering from relative poverty can, in some cases, lead to related social problems such as crime, alcohol and drug misuse, vandalism, discrimination, unemployment and suicide. If a child is brought up in a household which lacks the basic needs to sustain a healthy life, then they may be pulled into a more anti-social lifestyle, which in turn could lead to unemployment for them when they get older and resorting to sleeping rough on the streets, and thus increasing the number of homeless people in our society. Similarly, discrimination towards disabled people is a common problem in today’s society determined by individualism. Disabled people are more likely to suffer from poverty than those without a disability. The poverty rate for adults with disabilities is 30%, twice that for adults without a disability’ (Ridge, 2008:244). This can be illustrated by the fact that disabled people are confronted with a lot of discrimination in their lifetime, especially when seeking employment. Hence why a lot of disabled people are unemployed and living in poverty. Recent studies highlighted the additional costs for a disabled person to meet their needs and it was found that even when a disabled person is receiving the maximum benefit levels, those suffering with a disability are given approximately ? 00 a week less than the weekly amount required for them to ensure a minimum standard of living (Ridge,2008:245). Consequently, this is because not only do people with disabilities have a low income, their living costs are much higher due to the expenditure needed on special equipment, utilities and food. Throughout this essay, I have explored the different types of poverty that are commonly found in our society and have highlighted some of the main reasons as to why poverty is constructed as a social problem in the U. K today and by whom it is affected by. For problems to become socially recognised they need to have an impact on society in a way that certain values cherished by the public are felt to be threatened. By examining the issues of social exclusion, gender, lone parenting and disability we can conclude that these issues are definitely seen problems in our society. It becomes evident that the subject of discrimination links into all these issues, and thus emphasising that poverty is distinguished as a social problem in the U. K, and although the extent of these problems changes over time and place, it will most likely be a recurring problem in our society for entirety.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

How Madison Proposes to Solve the Problem of Factions Essay

How Madison Proposes to Solve the Problem of Factions - Essay Example In response to these challenges Madison proposed a number of solutions. This essay considers Madison’s proposed solutions to the problem of factions, and considers how the contemporary legislative branch of government comports to these Madison’s insights. How Madison Proposes to Solve the Problem of Factions There are a number of means by which James Madison proposes to solve the problem of factions. He begins this discussion by first indicating that are two major ways that the causes of factions can be removed; in these regards, he states, â€Å"the one, by destroying the liberty which is essential to its existence; the other, by giving to every citizen the same opinions, the same passions, and the same interests† (Madison). He continues his discussion indicating that in removing the first faction would be a sincere travesty, as liberty is as important as air. In regards to the second method of eliminating faction, he indicates that while this might be the prefe rred approach, it is entirely impracticable. In these regards, Madison’s main contention is that the essence of factions are so deep-rooted into the souls of humanity and the fabric of the nation that removing them is warranted next to impossible. While Madison indicates that removing the causes of factions is impossible, he argues that in dealing with factions they must be managed and controlled with knowledge of the general human motivation that underlies their existence. For Madison, the problem then becomes structuring this managing of governing body in a way that preserves the rights of individuals that may not currently be in majority power. While it is easy to consider the nature of a pure democracy in these regards, it’s clear that Madison is indicating such a governing structure based on majority vote would ultimately result in factions and subsequent violence. Madison also indicates that it is impossible to simply rely on an enlightened leader to manage this form of factional structure, as it will result in them ultimately capitulating to majority concerns. Through acknowledging the impossibility of a pure democracy, Madison goes on to consider the aspects of the democractic structure that fail to address factionalism and the means by which these problems can be amended. In these regards, Madison proposes a Republic. Within the Republic structure, Madison indicates that an appropriate number of representatives will be appointed to guard against factional interests of the majority. As a wide-variety of citizens will be voting on the potential representatives, Madison argues that it will be much more difficult for these representatives to resort to treachery that oftentimes becomes individuals of power. In these regards, Madison gives great consideration to the proportion of representatives to the number of electors, as, â€Å"enlarging too much the number of electors, you render the representatives too little acquainted with all their l ocal circumstances and lesser interests; as by reducing it too much, you render him unduly attached to these, and too little fit to comprehend and pursue great and national objects† (Madison). He argues that the proposed Constitution presents a powerful articulation of this

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The history of the Muslim world in the period between the early 15th Research Paper

The history of the Muslim world in the period between the early 15th and early 20 centuries - Research Paper Example Islam is perceived to be among the oldest and the most widely followed religion of the world. Where on one hand, with the rise and expansion of new religions such as Judaism and Christianity, the Muslim world had to witness a fall in its political and social magnitude; on the other hand, benefited by the advent of successful trade relationships of Muslim community with the non-Islamic nations, the community was able to strengthen its foothold in global politics of the modern world. Some of the noteworthy events that can be remarked as best illustrations of the alterations witnessed by the Muslim world since the early 15th century till the early 20th century or the modern era include the rise of Mughals, Ottomans and Safavids, repeat clashes of the Muslim world with other religious communities as well as trade expansion of the Muslims in the global plethora. Historians have often argued that these events have led towards immense alterations in the religious beliefs as well as social s tructures of the Muslim world playing the key role in developing its advanced post-modern shape. However, these events, as argued by historians, imposed varying impacts on the Muslim world, some being strong enough to permanently change few aspects of this particular assemblage while the others having a short term influence Concerning these aforementioned aspects, this thesis will be focused on discussing about the various events which have been witnessed within the Muslim world during its experiences within the period from 15th century to 20th century. Correspondingly, the ultimate aim of the study will be to identify particular events and encounters which have been most influential in shaping the modern Muslim world. DISCUSSION The Muslim World during early 15th and 16th Centuries The most significant event which has often attracted intellectuals arguing on the historic transformations of the Muslim world during the 15th century was the fall of Constantinople after being conquered by the Ottoman Empire sultan Mehmed II. It was during this tenure of Muslim world history that Ottomans were emerging as the major Islamic dynasty to rule to Arab-Muslim nations. It was during the mid 15th century that Mehmed II acquired the throne of the Ottoman dynasty when the Muslim world was focused primarily on trade as well as political expansion, based on the notion of imperialism to gain superiority over other non-Muslim communities. In such circumstance, Constantinopolis (Kostantiniyye) was the most appropriate geographical area to expand trade and also to gain control on the activities of the neighboring continents, i.e. Asia and Europe. Both Asia and Europe, during this period was undergoing tremendous alterations being politically weak, but economically enriched with natural resources and flow of international commodities. Thus, conquering Constantinople was a golden opportunity for Mehmed II to expand the Ottoman Empire and almost effortlessly, obtain the benefits of an equipped trade relation between Constantinopolis and European as well as Asian dynasties. On the social forefront, the defeat of Constantinople further contributed towards the enrichment of the artistic patronage of the medieval Muslim world which is still considered to be enviable. Not only in terms of its artistic patronage, but also with respect to the political structure and policy concerns, the Muslim world

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Research Topics with Explanations Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Research Topics with Explanations - Assignment Example Furthermore, the existence of various regulations regarding the use of cell phones especially while driving in the various states in the country is a major cause of confusion. As such, the research investigates the nature of the regulations in various states and analyzing the effects of such disparities. The audience for the research will include road users and legislators who make laws in the country. The research argues that standardizing the regulations will enhance uniformity thereby improving road safety (Sturnquist, 2006). The outbreak of measles in numerous states within the United States has been a major source of concern for both parents and legislators. The refusal by most parents to take their children for vaccination further heightens the safety concern especially in such public places as schools among any others (Link, 2005). The research investigates the most probable ways of encouraging and compelling parents to take their children for the vaccination (Wells, 1984). The audiences for the research are school administrators, parents and legislators among many other interested parties (Levine, 1997). The research argues that the government should adopt a radical measure such as banning unvaccinated pupils from attending public schools. The United States is the leading democracy and economy globally. Additionally, the country is a leading champion for the improvement of the treatment of such vulnerable groups as children, women and the LGBT community. As such, the country has a role to play in encouraging the adoption of fair labor laws globally (Jackson & Management Information Service, 1985). The adoption of fair labor laws is the surest way of enhancing the economic freedom of such communities. Such laws protect employees thereby creating a conducive environment for the employees to work and enhance their productivity. The research investigates the appropriate ways for the American

Monday, August 26, 2019

Supermarkets in UK Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Supermarkets in UK - Literature review Example The researcher aims to evaluate and present academic journals that relate to the topic. The first academic article that relates to my topic is UK Supermarket Space Race Faces Scrutiny by Andrea Felsted. â€Å"The main beneficiaries in the retail grocery sector of this drive to economies have been those large-scale supermarkets that have pushed everyday low prices, while some of the more basic bargain retailers have also seen benefits†. The article Supermarkets – The New Drivers of Urban Growth published in the journal says that, Supermarkets have turned out to be one of the main players in shaping and building places. The author summaries in the article are that, retailers don’t desire to construct a supermarket these days. â€Å"While the economic downturn has impacted heavily upon most development, the major retailers have gone from strength to strength. Supermarkets are increasingly being built on prime sites in an urban setting, rather than out of town, and investment in the site goes well beyond building a big retail shed† Mintel in his book says that it was a very rough year in 2010 for grocery retailers, due to clients switching to extremely competitive discount food dealers, and that they paid more attention on wasting food. According to Alexandru M. Degeratu in his article called, Consumer Choice Behavior in Online and Traditional Supermarkets: The Effects of Brand Name, Price, and other Search Attributes, says that, there is rising interest or attention in understanding the results of computer mediated shopping atmospheres. A subject of particular interest to equally academics and practitioners is in determining whether there are methodical dissimilarities in customer choice behavior among regular and online (offline) storerooms, and if there are dissimilarities, in understanding the causes for these differences. â€Å"Advertising induces brand loyalty in consumers who would otherwise purchase the cheapest alternative on t he market.†4 According to Helen E Perriman in his article, THE IMPACT OF THE GLOBAL FINANCIAL CRISIS ON CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR, behavior of the consumer is influenced by both interior features and external features that characterize the atmosphere in which the person behavior takes place. (Helen E Perriman 2010). Andy Wood in his article called, Shopper behaviour as the UK Exits Recession, talks about consumer’s supermarket shopping behavior during recession. According to him, one of the most precious tools in every retail grocery market chaos is the programmes related to consumer loyalty. Whereas in the previous year, the market share of the Tesco dipped in the face of customers going down the bazaar looking for superior deals, so the marketplace leader has organized to turn various things around. (Andy Wood 2010). The major beneficiaries in the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Korea Gender Roles and Ideologies of Womanhood Essay

Korea Gender Roles and Ideologies of Womanhood - Essay Example Socially, it is no longer compulsory for women to wear the traditional dress that was hazardous and uncomfortable for them. It restricted breathing and movement. According to Bruce (256), the defiant personal appearance is one unique identity of the new Korean woman. They have invented their own ideal femininity and definition of beauty and choose how to appear physically. For example, they have discarded the national dress and opted for miniskirts, cloche hats, high heeled shoes, and wear the same hairstyles as men, short and elegant hair cuts. Modern men want their wives this way. Gender roles The change in gender roles can be seen where girls are allowed to leave home to work in towns and are expected to send money for their families back home. The educated and employed women actively support their families financially instead of just waiting to receive from their husbands. Husbands now allow their wives to ‘leave the house’ to look for a better life. Equality, Status, Autonomy and Power Today, girls can be found in the same educational setting as boys against the former cultural norms. Women are allowed to pursue their studies even abroad, away from home. Traditionally, girls could not be allowed to stay alone or undergo any form of segregation. From 1920s, more young girls have moved to urban areas for employment or education. Working for single ladies has been socially accepted as an intermediary stage between adolescence and marriage. Women are now treated equal to men in terms of human rights and are allowed to participate in national discussions. They are given a chance to express their determination publicly.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Elements of Religious Traditions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Elements of Religious Traditions - Essay Example Religious tradition has got commands under which human beings tied to to. Separating oral traditions from the written ones are one of the requirements of the religious traditions. Most of the religions that are already established has got well furnished oral tradition and sacred texts (Isicheri 2000). However, to many religions, this is still a dream. Written tradition is common among the religions worldwide. For instance, in Islam religion, the holy Qur’an. They believe in the teachings from the holy book. They also practice orally by being able to recite the teachings orally. Every staunch Muslim knows the laws and the rules in the Qur’an and his daily life; he lives according to what it says. In Judaism, there was Oral Torah and the written Torah in Judaism. The written Torah is which is known as the Hebrew Bible. Religious traditions base their foundations on teachings, stories, myths and texts. These are basic foundations that guide a particular group of people. Th ey give the meaning of a group as a community and impact a sense of unity among the group. The myths are manifested in most cases as they try to explain the manner in which the universe began. They are also manifested through explanation of where human beings and other living things started. For instance, in Judaism and Islamic, it is believed that God is the creator of the universe and all that is in it. The divine couple izanagi and izanami are believed to have the explanation of the origin of the Japanese islands., in Shinto’s religion, which is prominent in Japan. They are convinced that the couple stirred up the ocean floor with a trident from the heavens, and the waters separated forming the islands. This is a form of a myth. Old people in some religions had a responsibility of passing information from one generation to another by telling the young ones stories and teaching them issues concerning life. They were supposed to ensure that their culture is not forgotten. Wh at Religious traditions do Religious traditions play a significant role in shaping our societies. Religious acts such as worship, pilgrimage, ritual and prayer are evident in our societies. Each religion has special dates in life when they perform rituals; birthdays and the day when a person dies are some of the examples when religious rituals are carried out. Religious actions also surround life transitions by giving them some definitions that help the community to go through them. For instance, in the Igbo religion circumcision of male people is an example of a transition from boyhood to manhood (Isicheri 2000). In this religion, one has to go through various rites of passage which entails almost all the life cycle. A fascinating one is the rite of passage known as itu-anya, which is the initiation to a Diviner. Here, one is given the authority of being a Diviner. Religions also take into consideration on how funerals are conducted. Rituals are performed during this event, where a religion believes  its system is in line with a super-natural power they believe. Access to sacred places is also a key issue among the religious traditions. Sacred places are the places guarded for special functions concerning the religion. It entails time for prayers, worship and sacrifices or offerings in different religions. The sacred issues may differ in relation to the type of religion is in question. For instance Christians all over the world recognizes the Easter as a sacred day, they believe this

Friday, August 23, 2019

Evidence-Based Practices in Oncology Nursing Research Paper

Evidence-Based Practices in Oncology Nursing - Research Paper Example Evidence-based practice is a multi-step, dynamic process that incorporates best external data and best clinical judgment that is according to patient response to nursing interventions. Â  Even one individual nurse may complete this process however a multidisciplinary team approach allows for even bigger perspectives on a clinical problem. With the new ways of health care practice brought about by evidenced-based practice nurses are given the chance to provide the best possible nursing care that can provide desirable outcome based on evidence altogether with the way which Nursing Care Delivery Model is suited for the situation. Â  Nursing care delivery models are mechanisms for organizing and delivering patient care. Â  Nursing care delivery models focus on structure, process and/or outcomes. Â  Along the evolution of nursing and the sprout of nurse educators and scholars, many nursing care delivery models have also been developed that eventually evolved to different types and kin ds from various developments and modifications of use. Â  Some have been developed using task approaches where patient care tasks are listed and categorized under the level of care required providing the task. More recent models have arisen out of a psychological approach, focusing on patient satisfaction with nursing care and job satisfaction among nurses. Â  Some of the most obvious reasons for such variations are cost of nursing care delivery, availability of personnel, patient care needs and individual preference.and organizational preference. Nevertheless regardless of what nursing care delivery model is utilized by nurses, the purpose of any delivery system is to provide high quality care, efficiently and effectively as possible (Neisner & Raymond, 2002, p. 7). Nursing Care Models and the development of Evidence-Based Practice The author of this essay deemed three Nursing Care Delivery Models that would best support evidenced-based practice in oncology nursing-- Patient-Centered Care, Team Nursing and Nursing Case Management. Models of care are important because it is how evidenced-based patient care is delivered to the patient. Evidenced-based practices will be null and void if nursing care delivery is poor in the first place it will not be properly delivered or worst not delivered at all. Patient-Centered Care (Table 1) is a model first utilized during the hospital reengineering era of the 90’s. This method uses multi-skilled workers and a team approach to nursing. By virtue of this method, patients are being grouped together according to similarity of cases. The four principle of this method are: simplifying outcomes, grouping similar patient population together, bringing services closer to patients